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Stopping the “PHP Fatal error: Internal object missing in” error in PHP-GTK2

By admin | August 16, 2008

In PHP-GTK2, if you build your own class of an existing PHP-GTK2 class, you may encounter one of the following errors:

This is somehow (not documented) caused by not calling parent::__construct(), the parent constructor. For example, try to run the following snippet:
if (!class_exists(‘gtk’)) {
“ERROR: No PHP-GTK2 Module.\n”);

class Myclassw extends GtkWindow {
protected $label;

function __construct() {
$label = new GtkLabel(“Hello World – will fail”);


$a = new Myclassw();
You should receive the following errors: (path may be different)

Now, try this snippet:

if (!class_exists('gtk')) {
"ERROR: No PHP-GTK2 Module.\n");
Myclassw extends GtkWindow {

function __construct() {
parent::__construct(); // New line inserted here

$label = new GtkLabel(“Hello World – will work!”);
$a = new Myclassw();
Now this time, it should work as expected. If you encounter “ERROR: No PHP-GTK2 module.”, this means that you are either running it in your web server or ran it without php-gtk2.(so/dll) in your php.ini.

All tests were ran on Ubuntu Linux 8.04, PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 and Linux kernel version 2.6.24-19-generic. If this article helped you solve the problem, please help us spread the word or please leave a comment. Don’t forget to subscribe to Compdigitec Labs for more interesting articles!

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Topics: Linux, PHP, Windows | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Stopping the “PHP Fatal error: Internal object missing in” error in PHP-GTK2”

  1. เว็บปั้มติดตาม Says:
    July 20th, 2024 at 21:28

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