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Using apt-get in Ubuntu Linux

By admin | September 21, 2008

If you ever need to install packages (built-in), but cannot use Synaptic, then here are some useful tips on using apt-get in Ubuntu:

  1. sudo apt-get install package – Installs package and it’s dependencies
  2. sudo apt-get remove package – Removes package, but you need to use #4 to remove unused dependencies
  3. sudo apt-get update – Updates the package list (checks for updates)
  4. sudo apt-get autoremove – See #2, removes leftover dependencies
  5. sudo apt-get clean – Removes leftover cached packages. Use this to free up space on your root partition
  6. sudo apt-get -s ACTION – Performs a simulation run of ACTION. Does not actually do anything.
  7. sudo apt-get -d ACTION – Downloads the package only. Does not actually install it. Use ACTION with install.
  8. sudo apt-get -f install – Fixes broken dependencies.
  9. sudo apt-get autoclean – See #5 above.
  10. sudo apt-get purge – Remove and purge packages.
  11. sudo apt-get moo – Self-explaining. (Will format your hard disk and render it unusable.)

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Topics: Linux | 1 Comment »

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  1. חברת אחסון אתרים Says:
    July 20th, 2024 at 19:36

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