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KeePass password safe for Linux

By admin | August 7, 2009

Update (2013-06-26): Updated for KeePass 2.22.

KeePass password safe is an effective way to manage your passwords securely and safely without writing them down in text files. However, the current Linux-native port KeePassX is still in development and not quite usable. Here is a port of KeePass 2.x (“Professional Edition”) to Linux without changing anything. This is done with the runtime of the Mono Project, which allows for execution of .NET executables in non-Windows operating systems such as Linux.



  1. Download the Linux package of KeePass (alternate download if first one doesn’t work).
  2. Install it (either double click on the downloaded package or run in a terminal in the same folder that you downloaded the package to sudo dpkg –install keepass-2.22.deb)
  3. To run, go to Applications >> Accessories or run keepass from the command line.


KeePass 2.08 running under Ubuntu Linux

KeePass menu entry

KeePass notification area icon

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Topics: Linux | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “KeePass password safe for Linux”

  1. d9ping Says:
    June 4th, 2010 at 15:00

    Side note: KeePass v2.0 is not compatible with the KeePassX database.
    KeePassX only works with KeePass 1.0
    This is why running the KeePass 2.0 under mono can be handy.

  2. เว็บปั้มไลค์ Says:
    July 20th, 2024 at 20:46

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