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Paint.NET on Ubuntu Linux 9.10

By admin | March 18, 2010

Paint.NET on Ubuntu

Paint.NET on Ubuntu

Paint.NET is a very powerful yet simple to use raster graphics editor that used to be under the free MIT-license. Even though the author has now closed its sources we can always run an older version of it (3.0) since there are no effective major changes. There is already a porting in progress by Miguel de Icaza but there unfortunately was no compiled package that has been compiled yet. Here is a compiled binary if you wish to use it on Ubuntu for now without having to compile yourself. You still need Mono installed, of course.


To run
Press Alt-F2 and type in:


For convenience you may wish to to add a link in your applications menu for easy access.

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Topics: Linux | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Paint.NET on Ubuntu Linux 9.10”

  1. James Says:
    September 24th, 2012 at 11:58

    Is there any way to add it to the software list? I want to be able to run it easily from there, but I don’t want it locked to the launcher all the time.
